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Kids Connection/Just 4 Kids

Kids Connection is a comprehensive child care program for children in Kindergarten through grade 5 that provides a safe, fun experience and offers families a variety of child care options. Kids Connection is open 6:00 am - 6:00 pm., Monday - Friday. 

Just 4 Kids is our 3-5 year old, full day child care option for children who are 3 by September 1. Children participate in various activities in a safe, nurturing, well supervised environment.

Kids Connection Summer 2025 Rates

Registration Fees By April 12 After April 12 Summer Care Fees K-5th PreKindergarten

One Child

$35.00 $50.00 1-11 Days $40.00/day $43.00/day
Each Add'l Child $10.00 $10.00 12-30 Days $38.00/day $41.00/day
Activity Fee $40.00/child $40.00/child 31-50 Days $36.50/day $39.50/day
51-55 Days $33.00/day $36.00/day

Drop in fee: $42.50/45.50 per day

** Kids Connection credits are not offered for partial days.  Children enrolled in Summer School must attend field trips or be picked up at the end of summer school.  Kids Connection cannot provide care after summer school on field trip days.

Kids Connection 2024-2025 & 2025-2026 School Year Rates

Priority Registration is offered to contracts requesting full time care Monday - Friday regardless of registration date. Contracts requesting 4 days will be approved after full time contracts. All other contracts will be approved in the order they were received.

Effective 8/20/24:  Due to the high demand for childcare, until Kids Connection is fully staffed, if a schedule change results in the reduction of weekly attendance days the approved contract will be returned to the wait list.

Registration fee: One Child $35.00
Each Additional Child: $10.00

Morning Care Fixed Contract
Pick Your Days
Afternoon Care Fixed Contract
Pick Your Days
1 Day per week $14.00 $15.50
1 Day per week $13.50 $15.00
2 Days per week $13.00 $14.50
2 Days per week $12.50 $14.00
3 Days per week $11.50 $13.00
3 Days per week $11.00 $12.50
4 Days per week $11.25 $12.75
4 Days per week $10.75 $12.25
5 Days per week $10.60 $12.10
5 Days per week $10.10 $11.60
Add A Drop In Day $15.50/day $19.00/day Add A Drop In Day $15.00/day $18.50/day
Drop In Only Contract $19.00/day Drop In Only Contract $18.50/day

Pick Your Days Contracts must be submitted online a minimum of 3 weeks before the requested care date.  Any dates submitted less than 3 weeks in advance will be billed a drop in care rate.

AM & PM Same Day Care Fixed Contract
Pick Your Days

KC Express 8:25AM Start

1 Day per week $27.50 $29.00 Consistent Schedule $3.00 per day
2 Days per week $25.50 $27.00 Pick Your Days
$5.00 per day
3 Days per week
$21.84 $23.34 Non School Days
4 Days per week $21.34 $24.84 By Registration Deadline $36.50 per day
5 Days per week $20.10 $21.60 After Deadline $46.50 per day

Just 4 Kids 2024-2025 & 2025-2026 School Year Rates

Priority Registration is offered to contracts requesting full time care Monday - Friday regardless of registration date. Contracts requesting 4 days will be approved after full time contracts. All other contracts will be approved in the order they were received. 

Effective 8/20/24: Due to the high demand for childcare, until Kids Connection is fully staffed, if a schedule change results in the reduction of weekly attendance days the approved contract will be returned to the wait list.

Registration fee: One Child $35.00
Each Additional Child: $10.00

Morning Care Fixed Contract
Pick Your Days Afternoon Care Fixed Contract Pick Your Days
1 Day per week $15.00 $16.50 1 Day per week $14.50 $16.00
2 Days per week $14.00 $15.50 2 Days per week $13.50 $15.00
3 Days per week $12.00 $13.50 3 Days per week $11.50 $13.00
4 Days per week $11.75 $13.25 4 Days per week $11.25 $12.75
5 Days per week $11.10 $12.60 5 Days per week $10.60 $12.10
Add A Drop In Day $16.50/day 20.00/day Add A Drop In Day $16.00/day $19.50/day
Drop In Only Contract $20.00 per day
Drop In Only Contract $19.50 per day

Pick Your Days Contracts must be submitted online a minimum of 3 weeks before the requested care date. Any dates submitted less than 3 weeks in advance will be billed a drop in care rate.

AM & PM Same Day Care Fixed Contract
Pick Your Days
Non School Days

1 Day per week $29.50 $31.00 By Registration Deadline
$39.50 per day
2 Days per week $27.50 $29.00 After Registration Deadline
$49.50 per day
3 Days per week $22.80 $24.30

4 Days per week $22.30 $23.80

5 Days per week $21.10 $22.60

Just 4 Kids 2024-2025 & 2025-2026 All Day and Preschool Hours Rates

Priority Registration is offered to contracts requesting full time care Monday - Friday regardless of registration date. Contracts requesting 4 days will be approved after full time contracts. All other contracts will be approved in the order they were received.

All Day Care
6AM - 6PM

Fixed Contract Pick Your Days
Before Preschool
After Preschool

Fixed Contract Pick Your Days
1 Day per week $50.00 $51.50 ECFC After Preschool $25.00/day $27.00/day
2 Days per week $50.00 $51.50 Before Preschool $25.00/day $27.00/day
3 Days per week $41.00 $42.50 9:00AM - 3:00PM
$40.00/day $42.00/day
4 Days per week $39.75 $41.25 SFE 11:00AM-3:00PM $28.00/day $30.00/day
5 Days per week 36.20
$37.70 SFE 2:30PM - 6:00PM $28.00/day $30.00/day

ALL REGISTRATION FEES and/or ACTIVITY FEES are NON-REFUNDABLE and due at the time of contract approval.

Effective 8/20/24: Due to the high demand for childcare, until Kids Connection is fully staffed, if a schedule change results in the reduction of weekly attendance days the approved contract will be returned to the wait list.

DROP IN care is NOT guaranteed.  You must call the site and ask if there is availability or request care online through your ELEYO account.

Kids Connection/Just 4 Kids Logo

Jump to: Just 4 Kids 2024-2025 School Year Kids Connection 2024-2025 School Year KC/J4K Summer 2025

Just 4 Kids 2024-2025 School Year

Kids Connection 2024-2025 School Year

KC/J4K Summer 2025