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7th Grade Team Building (Athletic Focus)

Youth Recreation / Recreation Sports -
Youth Recreation 24-25

Creating a unified team requires more than just practice, skill drills, endurance training and in-game experience. Team building activities that extend beyond the playing field are just as important. This course will provide students with a mixture of these skills and activities. We will focus on how these activities and skills play an essential role in helping young athletes understand the value of collaboration, effective communication, mutual respect, and trust; all of which are integral to successful team dynamics.

Students should wear comfortable clothing that will allow for physical activity. Tennis shoes required. No open toe or slip on sandals (Crocs). Students will have time to change after school if they desire. 

25TBAF1 Closed
St. Francis Middle School : Gym 4-Room 170
Thursdays, Mar 6 - Mar 27 & Tue Mar 25
2:30 - 4:00 PM

  No Class Mar 13


Grades   7th

$ 30.00
Includes T-Shirt

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