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General Interest
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About General Interest

B.L.A.S.T. - Babysitting 101: Emergency Outfitters

This course follows the American Academy of Pediatrics – Babysitter Lessons And Safety Training (BLAST). Students learn current practices for safety and injury prevention, first aid basics, feeding and caring for infants, how to handle behavior problems, and how to manage their babysitting business.

Students receive a reference book, recipe and game handouts, babysitting bag and first aid kit.

F.A.S.T. KIDS – Staying Safe While Home Alone

First Aid and Safety Trained Kids is a 4-hour course for 7 - 10 year-olds. This course helps prepare children for staying safe at and away from home. Lessons cover basic first aid, water safety, vehicle safety, home emergencies, injury prevention, stranger and internet safety. Students will receive a book, handouts and a home first aid kit as part of the class.

RC Car Racing

This course is for intermediate level drivers, teens, and adults who want time on the track to drive RC Cars. Participants can use the RC Cars provided or bring their own RC Cars on approval.

Introduction to RC Racing

Interested in RC Cars? Want to try racing them on a track? Come join us as we explore what makes them work and try them out. Participants will leave with a better understanding and get some time testing out their driving skills with a few different types of RC Cars. Participants can use our RC Cars or use your own on approval.

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